

BugsInTheNews viewers who are interested in the reference books I use to compile articles on bugs, spiders, bats, snakes, and termites, are invited to select a topic from the following list, click on it, then peruse the list of books for that topic.

  1. Anatomy
  2. Ants
  3. Arachnids
  4. Bats
  5. Beetles
  6. Birds
  7. Biographies
  8. Biology
  9. Chemistry
  10. Emergencies
  11. Evolution
  12. Flies
  13. Genetics
  14. Insects
  15. Latin & Greek
  16. Mammals
  17. Mathematics
  18. Parasites
  19. Pest Control
  20. Physics
  21. Reptiles
  22. Snakes
  23. Spiders
  24. Termites
Published 29 Nov 2012, last rev. 3 Dec 2012. Questions? Corrections? E-mail [email protected].

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