— This article by Jerry Cates et al., first published in September 2002, was last revised on 6 June 2014. © Bugsinthenews Vol. 03:09.
The giant centipede (Scolopendra heros), also called the giant desert or giant red-headed centipede, is found throughout the southern U.S., particularly in desert regions. It is described in the literature as reaching a maximum length of six to nine inches (15-22 centimeters). Specimens collected in Texas often measure toward the high end of this scale.
The family name, Scolopendridae (from the Greek σκολως “skolos” = “pointed stake, thorn, prickle…”), was first described in 1844 by the U.S. geologist, physician, explorer and author John Strong Newberry (1822-1892). The genus Scolopendra had earlier been described — in 1758 — by the Swedish botanist, zoologist, and taxonomist Carl Linneaus (1707-1778). Finally, the specific name, Scolopendra heros, was later described — in 1853 — by the French biologist Charles Frederic Girard (1822-1895), who besides being born the same year as Newberry, was for a time his close colleague and fellow member of the Megatherium Club at the Smithsonian.
This species of centipede has powerful jaws — modified front legs, termed maxillipeds — and its venom is known to produce significant pain and swelling that, when combined with infectious organisms acquired in its travels and feeding (this centipede is known to feed on putrefying flesh and fecal matter, and thus is subject to microbial contamination), can produce serious complications. Their bites should, therefore, be considered at least nominally dangerous. It has a cluster of simple eyes (ocelli) on either side of the anterior head. These primitive eye clusters apparently provide no assistance in hunting, as the animal hunts nocturnally and , and are not necessary for the animal to respond to light. When the eyes are covered with opaque paint, no difference is noted in its immediate negative response to bright light stimulus.
Scolopendra heros has six cephalic segments, which are closely fused in the adult, but observable under magnification in the embryo. A segmented antennae is attached to the anterior portion of the second cephalic segment. This structure is the animal’s primary sensory organ, and is extensively used when hunting for food.
Wherever these animals are found, they favor a habitat that includes an area of moist litter, such as leaves, decaying vegetable matter, and the like. If your home or apartment is troubled with sightings of centipedes, look for small areas of such litter near the foundation of the building, and either remove them yourself or have the property landscaping personnel remove them to reduce the populations of organisms that favor such habitats.
It has 21-23 body segments, consisting of sclerotized tergal plates dorsally, and sternal plates ventrally, which are connected laterally by softer pleural membranes from which erupt the coxal segments of each leg, and on which are found (on some segments, but not on all) open spiracles for respiration. A single pair of legs, each with seven segments (coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and 3 tarsi) is attached to each body segment, save the first and last segments. Legs attached to the first body segment are modified into a pair of four-segmented poisonous jaws. The last body segment comprises the anus of the male, and in the female is further modified into a gonopod with a pair of diminutive, articulating ovipositors. The posterior pair of legs is the longest and most robust, and is modified for grasping.
Linda wrote:
We just found a centipede almost 5 inches long inside the door of our home in Leakey, TX.
Is this a giant Texas centipede? What can you tell me about it?
It has a red head, dark body, yellow legs, and blue tail/pinchers.
I took pictures if that will help. We are fairly new to this area and have small grandchildren visiting. Thanks.
This centipede measured some 4.75 inches from head to the tip of its terminal segment. The proximal segments of the terminal pair of prehensile appendages were bluish, grading to yellowish distally to the last tarsal segment, which was darkened.

Scolopendridae: giant redheaded centipede (Scolopendra heros); head; Linda R , Leakey, TX—24 April 2010

Scolopendridae: giant redheaded centipede (Scolopendra heros); posterior; Linda R , Leakey, TX—24 April 2010
The cluster of simple eyes on the right side of Linda’s specimen are visible near the base of the right antenna. The eye cluster shows as a darkened oval slightly depressed into the surface of the head.
The first body segment appears, dorsally, as a narrow bulge just behind the head, and seems to form the forward edge of the second body segment.
Ventrally the first body segment is the base for a pair of large poison jaws, the maxillipeds.
The lateral aspect of the right maxilliped can be seen in the photo, curving around the lower head.
The second body segment forms a broader, reddish collar that extends backward to the first darkened body segment (#3, if you are counting).

Scolopendridae: giant centipede (Scolopendra heros); posterior half; Linda R., Leakey, TX–24 April 2010

Scolopendridae: giant centipede (Scolopendra heros); anterior half; Linda R., Leakey, TX–24 April 2010
This darkened segment still retains some of the reddish hue of the anterior portion of the animal, but beginning with segment 4, just behind it, the dorsal plates (tergites) are uniformly dark.
Segment 4 is relatively long (in the longitudinal aspect of the animal) because it houses the first pair of body spiracles, just posterior to the coxae of the legs of that segment.
From this point through the remainder of the animal’s body, the segments generally alternate between long and short, depending on whether they are provided with spiracles. Notice that segment 5 is short, followed by a longer segment 6, a short segment 7, and a longer segment 8. Segment 9 is the same length as segment 8, as — breaking the pattern — both are fitted with spiracles. Segment 10 is slightly shorter, followed by a remarkably longer segment 11, and a remarkably shorter segment 12 (whose left leg extends upward, in these photos, much further than the other legs on that side of the body).
The photo of the posterior segments shows the diminutive anal segment, showing as a light brown projection beyond the last dark tergite. A pair of bright blue terminal legs, with yellow tarsi divided into three segments (the final one, annotated as T1, being dark brown), emerge from the underside of the last dark segment.
The sturdy fellow shown in these pages was kindly collected for me by Kieth R., a friend whose home was at the time ensconced on the shores of a large lake near Temple, Texas. That home was being pestered by centipedes, and I studied this specimen for several months to learn more about its habits. It grew to 8 inches in length within the first few months, feeding on crickets supplied by a local pet store. It died, apparently from natural causes, eight months into the study, but not before wreaking havoc upon the other organisms with whom it shared its enclosure. The photos provided here are from an old file, and are not of excellent quality, but are sufficient to display the features discussed.
These photos were taken shortly after the centipede was introduced to his or her new home (the sex was never determined, though the lack of ovipositing structures on the terminal segment suggests it is a male).
That new home was a terrarium in my lab in Round Rock, containing a floor of coarse bark chips, a large, flat, sunning rock, a hollow driftwood log, and a small pool of drinking and bathing water. Four snakes occupied the same enclosure, and they all seemed- at first- to get along fine.
A second centipede was introduced several weeks later, but was soon killed and partially eaten by another inhabitant of the enclosure (parts of the centipede’s body were found in one corner of the enclosure).
I did not witness this centipede’s death, so can only speculate on the perpetrator. However, I was led — after some analysis — to suspect the first centipede as the culprit. Later, this same centipede killed three of the snakes in the enclosure in quick succession.

Scolopendridae: giant centipede (Scolopendra heros); dorsum, with lined snake; Temple TX—02 Aug 2002
The first thing this centipede did after being placed in the terrarium was explore every square inch of the enclosure.
Its meanderings were confined to the lower levels only, however, as its legs terminate in sharply pointed tarsi, which render it entirely unable to negotiate smooth vertical glass spanning more than eight inches.
Note that the animal was quite capable of scaling heights as high as the length of its body, using the last pair of legs as a brace to push the rest of the body upward its full length, especially in corners of the enclosure.
That it could not scale smooth surfaces was, of course, a blessing. Still, I had to make sure it was kept in an enclosure whose sides were higher than its body was long.
The top of a sufficiently deep enclosure can generally be left ajar while caring for its other inhabitants without worrying that the centipede will slip out unnoticed. Sometimes, though, the centipede would climb to the top of the driftwood stump in the enclosure, and was able, from that vantage point, to reach the screen-covered lid. There it would explore for a way out for hours.
For a seemingly complicated, primitive body, the centipede moved very fast (some anatomists refer to its walking legs, for this reason, as “running legs”). You might think that a creature with more than 40 legs, enervated by a primitive nervous system, would be clumsy. But they didn’t hold this centipede down. It zipped around the enclosure at a rapid pace.
The centipede’s body is divided into 21 flat segments. Three of these are colored a caramel brown and are right behind the head. The other eighteen segments are black.
The legs on the trunk, the antennae on the head, and the tips of the legs on the last segment of the body are colored a medium dark yellow.
Notice that each leg is tipped with a sharply pointed terminal segment. Though often referred as one, this is not a true claw, but the third segment of the leg’s three-segmented tarsus. Some sources report that their sharp points damage unprotected skin, and that poison glands are located at the junction of each leg with the body.
When the centipede travels over your skin, the claw may penetrate, and venom may be deposited in the cut, producing local inflammation. Of course, I have not tested this hypothesis, and some investigators dispute it as fanciful fiction…
Centipedes are common in central Texas, where they prefer to live outdoors in damp places, under leaves and stones. They are members of the phylum Arthropoda (they have articulating, jointed legs) and the class Chilopoda (from the Greek , cheilos, meaning “lip” or “jaw” and pous, meaning “foot”, in combination meaning “jawwed foot”, a reference to the claws on each leg that have the appearance of teeth). Their jaws, which are connected to venom glands, are used to kill prey. If handled, they are capable of injecting venom, so caution is advised.
If you are pestered by centipedes, inside or outside your home, the first step is to determine why they are there. Next, become informed on least toxic or non-toxic methods available to eliminate them from your home and yard. Those methods should include identifying and correcting conditions conducive to the breeding and congregation of these organisms.
The legs on the first segment behind the head have been modified into hollow tubes, with openings at their sharpened tips, so that they function as fangs. They are attached to venom glands, and are used to kill prey.
Centipedes of this species reportedly do not attack organisms larger than themselves, including humans, unless molested. Your definition of “molested” may differ from that of the centipede, however. The three small snakes this guy killed probably just happened to get too close at the wrong time.
The centipede’s bite is considered about as serious as a bee sting, but the risk of secondary infection is also important to consider. Because centipedes are opportunistic feeders, and will scavenge dead animals and excrement that it encounters during foraging activities, it may be an efficient reservoir and vector for pathogens that such food sources may contain. Some authorities discount this possibility, however. Texas A&M scientists recommend that centipedes never be handled by humans, to avoid the risk of being bitten.
The photo on the left was taken through the wire mesh of the enclosure lid while the centipede was exploring. Note the fangs on each side of the head, with orange coloration and darkened, nearly black tips. These are the appendages that are used by the centipede to stun and kill its prey.
The body segment the fangs are attached to is thickened, suggesting that its musculature is unusually stout. Once the centipede positions its fangs for an attack, it is able by virtue of these muscles to sink them deeply into the body of its prey, even through a tough cuticle.
- Yildiz, A., et al. 2006. Acute myocardial infarction in a young man caused by centipede sting. Journal of Emergency Medicine 23:e30
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Seen in Whitney, TX…a few miles from Steiner Valley Ranch as someone stated above, and within walking distance of the lake. It was only about 6 inches long, not 1-2 feet. I would have PASSED OUT if it had been any bigger!
Oh god I almost had a HEART ATTACK last night coming face to face with this thing. My husband was grilling dinner and left our back door cracked on accident. I guess it found its way in that way. I sat down on our couch and out from underneath raced a GIANT, EASILY 8″ or more centipede. I screamed bloody murder and immediately climbed atop the kitchen table and waited for my husband to kill them damn thing.
We live on Belton lake. Usually we have a scorpion issue but interestingly enough we have only killed one this year. This is the first time I’ve seen an animal so horrific it made the scorpions look friendly.
I very nearly stepped on one yesterday in my bedroom. I think it was underneath a basket of laundry I had placed there the day before, but I don’t know how it got into the house. I didn’t think quickly enough to kill it, I scooped it up in a cowboy boot and ran outside and threw it as far as I could. But now I am in fear every day there will be another one. I live in Lubbock, Texas. I live in a manufactured home, but for 25 years have NEVER found one of these in my house!! It looked like one of those plastic bait thingies my husband used to have in his tackle box, and was approximately 6 inches long.
We have way too many centipedes in Hawaii, a different variety (S. morsitans, meaning “biting”), all reddish brown, but about the same size. They generally stay outside except in wet areas where they do come in the house. And yes, they will crawl in bed with you and bite you.
They also tend to come indoors if the ground outside is dug up or otherwise disturbed. They were everywhere for about a year after trenches were dug for sewerpipe in our neighborhood.
The local wisdom is that a few beady-eyed chickens will keep the Home 40 pretty clean of centipedes!
Here in east texas in shelby county they grow huge we have sand hills out west of town and i have seen one that was 13 inches long before 8-10 is not rare. im an avid outdoorsman and have saw these things many times we also have huge blue scorpions that are about 6-8 inches long and 2-3 inches wide there nasty little buggers !
6 incher crawled out of the drain when I was scouring my tub.
Live in Morgans Point and just found a 4 to 5 inch one (dead luckily) We had just had yard heavily sprayed for lawn wasps. I’m not too scared of bug, spiders or such, but that centipede really was enough to freak me out dead…I hope I never come across a live one!
I had one crall on my neck when i was watching tv trough it on floor then could not find it fun night
But i did find it later after not sleeping for a day i hate those things live by river thats what you get
A reel fun there is one dieing in my bath tub right now no joke
Ditto: I also almost had a HEART ATTACK when I came face to face with this thing. We also live on Lake Belton and I agree that the scorpions are less scurry looking than the big ugly giant bug with all those colors…………………….. My husband was not sure, he killed it and I keep looking for it to reappear on my back porch.
We live in Wimberley and today I and my wife found one of these Centipedes above the water heater in the garage. I have only read and had been told of these large insects never seen one before. I’ll admit, seeing it and the swiftness of its movements is a little unnerving. My wife put it down with a canned insecticide while I was holding it down with a small broom. I was surprised at how quickly the insecticide killed it.
I live in MPR on Lake Belton, as well, and had one crawl across my foot last night in the garage! It was easily 8-10 inches long, and moved so freaking fast!! I almost had a heart attack before I jumped backwards onto a chair, screaming at the top of my lungs for my husband! It had disappeared by the time he got there, and he searched but couldn’t find it (I’m hoping it went out the open garage door!) I am not normally freaked out by insects, and have even dealt with rattlesnakes calmly, but something about this little monster turned me inside out! I had nightmares all night, and can still feel it crawling on me!
We have found three in the past year. Lake Brownwood Tx.
This centipede was found at Buffalo Lake near Lubbock Texas. Found it while doing some work on a parking lot for the Buffalo Lake STore. I caught it and took it home for my wife and kids to see my wife was not amazed and wants it gone but i cant bring myself to destroy it so if anyone isinterested in it they can have it
Dallas, GA- Light brown 4″ 1 slithered across my basement floor a week after the concrete floor got soaked by our water heater= CREEPY! Had to step on it full on TWiCE to stop it, ‘still wasn’t dead!